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Portal establishment without fluoroscopy and traction initially for hip arthroscopy

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    [目的]介绍无透视无牵引建立髋关节镜入口的手术技术。[方法]全身麻醉,患者仰卧于牵引手术台上,患肢内旋 15°、内收 15°、前屈 15°。常规进行体表标记,在无透视无牵引的状态下,由 MA 入路标记处行 5 mm 切口,用血管钳分离至关节囊,置入半开放通道,穿刺针进入髋关节外周间室。用导丝、空心棒、关节镜套管交换,置入关节镜,灌注扩张,镜下观察。尔后伸直髋关节,内旋 15°牵引患肢,随着牵引力量的增加,可直视下看到关节间隙逐步牵开,当间隙打开到 8~10 mm 时,将关节镜置入中央室,开始在关节镜监视下,直视建立其他入口,并完成手术操作。[结果] 2018 年 10 月—2020 年 9 月,本院行髋关节镜手术 242 例 (270 髋),其中 166 髋采用上述新技术建立入口,104 例采用常规技术在牵引透视下建立入口。两组均顺利完成手术,入口建立时间新技术组为 (5.87±2.49) min,常规组为 (7.59±4.07)min,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]与常规技术建立髋关节镜入口相比,此无透视无牵引技术可减少射线辐射和牵引损伤,缩短手术操作时间。


    [Objective] To introduce the surgical technique of portal establishment without fluoroscopy and traction initially for hip ar- throscopy. [Methods] Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed on the traction operating table supine with 15 degrees of internal ro- tation, 15 degrees of adduction and 15 degrees of forward flexion. The body surface marking was routinely performed. Under the condition of no fluoroscopy and no traction initially, a 5 mm incision was made at the MA portal marking point, a forceps was used to separate the soft tissue to the capsule, and then a semi-open channel was inserted. A puncture needle was penetrated into the peripheral compartment of the hip. With exchange of the guide wire, cannulated rod and arthroscopic cannula, the arthroscope was inserted into the compartment. As the compartment was dilated with irrigation, it was visualized by the arthroscope. After that, the affected hip was placed straightly under trac- tion with 15° of internal rotation. As the traction force increased, the joint space was gradually retracted under direct vision. When the space was opened to 8~10 mm, the arthroscope was transferred into the central compartment, and other portals were established under ar- throscopic vision, and the surgical operation was completed as usual. [Results] From October 2018 to September 2020, a total of 242 pa- tients (270 hips) underwent hip arthroscopy in our hospital. Of them, 166 hips had portal established with the abovementioned new tech- nique, while the remaining 104 hips had portal established with the conventional technique under traction and fluoroscopy initially. The time consumed for portal establishment was (5.87±2.49) min in the new technique group, whereas (7.59±4.07) min in the conventional group, which was statistically significant between the two groups (P<0.05) . [Conclusion] Compared with the conventional technique, this new technique does reduce radiographic radiation and traction injury, and shorten the operation time.


肇刚,魏钰,吴毅东,等. 无透视无牵引髋关节镜入口的建立[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2022, 30 (5): 441-444. DOI:10.3977/j. issn.1005-8478.2022.05.12.
ZHAO Gang, WEI Yu, WU Yi-dong, et al. Portal establishment without fluoroscopy and traction initially for hip arthroscopy[J]. Orthopedic Journal of China , 2022, 30 (5): 441-444. DOI:10.3977/j. issn.1005-8478.2022.05.12.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-10-01
  • 最后修改日期:2021-12-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-06-10
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