Abstract:Sciatic nerve injury is one of the rare complications secondary to total hip arthroplasty, which might be caused by direct in-traoperative nerve injury, limb elongation, bone cement-related heat injury, and postoperative hematoma. Despite abovementioned commoncauses, half cases of the nerve injuries might have no clear reason. Although a number of risk factors have been reported, no single one isconsidered the most significant risk factor. Active surgical exploration and neurolysis can improve nerve function, and conservative treat-ment is suitable for some patients with no definite organic cause. The prognosis of sciatic nerve injury is often unpredictable, and there is noconsensus on what factors can determine the evolution of this injury. This paper reports a case of sciatic nerve injury secondary to total hiparthroplasty, and reviews the literatures regarding its etiology, risk factor, treatment and prognosis.