
解放军总医院第三医学中心骨科,北京 100039







Comparison of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by allinside and conventional arthroscopic techniques

Department of Orthopaedics, The Third Medical Cen⁃ter, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100039 , China

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    [目的] 比较镜下全内技术与常规技术重建后交叉韧带(posterior cruciate ligament, PCL) 的临床结果。[方法] 回顾性分析2016 年7 月—2021 年7 月镜下重建PCL 74 例患者的临床资料。依据医患沟通结果,31 例采用自体半腱肌肌腱为移植物,以全内技术PCL 重建(全内组),另外43 例采用异体肌腱为移植物,常规镜下PCL 重建(常规组)。比较两组围手术期、随访及影像资料。[结果] 全内组在切口总长度[(7.1±1.3) cm vs (10.3±2.4) cm, P<0.001]、下地行走时间[(3.4±2.1) d vs (5.6±3.2) d,P<0.001]、早期并发症发生率(3.2% vs 9.3%, P=0.043)、住院时间[(7.4±1.8) d vs (10.3±3.6) d, P<0.001] 均显著优于常规组。全内组恢复完全负重活动时间显著早于常规组[(93.6±11.7) d vs (128.4±12.4) d, P<0.001]。术后两组VAS 评分、Lysholm 评分、IKDC评级、膝伸屈ROM、后抽屉试验和后向Lachman 试验均显著改善(P<0.05),术后3 个月和末次随访时,全内组的膝伸屈活动度[(124.4±3.6)° vs (116.5±3.2)°, P<0.001; (138.7±3.6)° vs (132.6±5.8)°, P<0.001]、Lysholm 评分[(124.4±3.6) vs (116.5±3.2), P<0.001;(138.7±3.6) vs (132.6±5.8), P<0.001] 和IKDC 评级均显著优于常规组。影像方面,术后3 个月,全内组股骨隧道内口缩小[例, 缩小/无变化/扩大, (23/8/0) vs (13/27/3), P<0.001] 占比显著优于常规组(P<0.05)。[结论] 应用镜下全内技术PCL 重建膝PCL 的临床结果优于常规镜下PCL 重建。


    [Objective] To compare the clinical outcomes of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction by all-inside and conven-tional arthroscopic techniques. [Methods] A retrospective study was performed on 74 patients who underwent arthroscopic PCL reconstruc-tion from July 2016 to July 2021. According to doctor-patient discussion, 31 patients received all-inside PCL reconstruction with autoge-nous semitendinosus tendon graft (the all-inside group), while the other 43 patients underwent conventional arthroscopic PCL reconstruc-tion with allogeneic tendon graft (the routine group). The perioperative, follow-up and imaging data of the two groups were compared. [Results] The all-inside group proved significantly superior to the routine group in terms of total incision length [(7.1±1.3) cm vs (10.3±2.4)cm, P<0.001], the walking time [(3.4±2.1) days vs (5.6±3.2) days, P<0.001], early complication rate (3.2% vs 9.3%, P=0.043) and hospitalstay [(7.4±1.8) days vs (10.3±3.6) days, P<0.001]. In addition, the all-inside group resumed full weight-bearing activities significantly earli-er than the routine group [(93.6±11.7) days vs (128.4±12.4) days, P<0.001]. The VAS score, Lysholm score, IKDC grade, knee flexion-ex-tension ROM, posterior drawer test and backward Lachman test significantly improved in both groups over time (P<0.05). The all-insidegroup was significantly better than the routine group in terms of knees ROM [(124.4±3.6)° vs (116.5±3.2)°, P<0.001; (138.7±3.6)° vs(132.6±5.8)°, P<0.001], Lysholm score [(124.4±3.6) vs (116.5±3.2), P<0.001; (138.7±3.6) vs (132.6±5.8), P<0.001] and IKDC grades 3months postoperatively and at the latest follow-up. Regarding imaging, the all-inside group was also significantly better than the routinegroup in femoral tunnel variation [case, reduced/no change/enlargement, (23/8/0) vs (13/27/3), P<0.001]. [Conclusion] The all-inside ar-throscopic PCL reconstruction is superior in term of clinical consequence to the conventional arthroscopic PCL reconstruction for this liga-ment rupture.


刘昭,白晓东,杨军,等. 镜下全内技术后交叉韧带重建与常规技术比较[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2024, 32 (12): 1089-1094. DOI:10.20184/j. cnki. Issn1005-8478.100685.
LIUZhao, BAI Xiao-dong, YANG Jun, et al. Comparison of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by allinside and conventional arthroscopic techniques[J]. Orthopedic Journal of China , 2024, 32 (12): 1089-1094. DOI:10.20184/j. cnki. Issn1005-8478.100685.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-25
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-06-24
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