Abstract:[Objective] To grasp the characteristics of the spectrum distribution of orthopedic diseases in the peacekeeping level II hos-pital in the Eastern Theater of Mali. [Methods] The patients with orthopedic diseases who received treatment in the level II Hospital of the10th peacekeeping army in Mali East War Zone from September 2022 to August 2023 were selected as the research subjects. The distribu-tion of diseases by category, country and month was summarized by means of outpatient registration, outpatient cases and expert consulta-tion, and describing statistical analysis was conducted. [Results] A total of 3 442 patients were treated in 1 year, and orthopedic diseases ac-counted for 13.3%. A total of 326 persons were included in this study, including 306 males and 20 females, aged 20~61 years with a meanof (35.1±8.4) years. In term of disease category, soft tissue injury accounted for 62.6%, low back pain due to strain for 13.8%, fracture for11.4%, tendon sheath bursal disease for 4.6% and lumbar disc herniation for 3.7%. In term of patient identity, peacekeeping military per-sonnel accounted for the most orthopedic patients (79.1%), while the top five countries were Jordan (13.7%), Egypt (13.0%), Sri Lanka(10.3%), China (9.8%) and Bangladesh (9.4%). In term of season of patient visit, the orthopaedic diereses occurred mainly in rainy seasonand cool season, accounted for 80.1% of the total; with peaks in June and September. In term of disease location, 141 (40.6%) patients in-volved in the lower limbs, 81 (23.3%) in the waist, 79 (22.8%) in the upper extremity, 26 (7.5%) in the shoulder, 13 (3.8%) in the head andneck. [Conclusion] The main orthopedic diseases of peacekeepers in Mali are soft tissue injury, back strain pain and fracture, which in-volve mainly in Jordan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, China, Bangladesh and other countries with a large number of troops, with high incidence of thedisease in the rainy season, cool season and the rotation period of the troop-contributing countries